Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pre-caution Before You start your indie Movie

Filmmaking has never been an easy task. And when its an Indie filmmaking then the job becomes more hard as your resources are limited, the actors might not get serious as they are not getting paid (at-least in starting of the project).You also have to keep one thing in mind that you have no money. Many experts might say indie filmmaking doesn’t mean no money, but i believe when you say indie movies think of no money in your pocket. This will help you to make you plans more perfect and will also help in saving and utilizing your money in a better way.
Remember one thing when ever you are starting a indie film project follow the rule of
‘’ Don’t think of money, Borrow everything’’
This rule will help you in not only saving lot of money but also in achieving your targets in abetter way. Because if you will vbe taking out money every time for everything the soon you will have to stop your project. Other then that talk to your actors that you will pay them if you get something in return. Do make a contract with every one involved in the project if you dont want to see the face of court after your project has finished.
After the script has completed the most important step which professional filmmakers take is the story board which is something i realy hate. I am not a good artist neither i have any real interest in making idiot and cartoonish pics on paper and waste the expensive paper :d. So what can be the best option if you are not willing to make storyboard? Simple go at the location a day before and start visualising everything in your brain(Do keep almonds in your pocket for strong memmory).Decide your camera angles, camera moves and shots on that same day before shoots.
The other important thing which you can do and you should do is held a meeting just befor the day of shoot with the whole crew to make things clear again. Rehalsals with actors is a very important element too.
When on shoot behave like leaders. Dont follow your crew, make your crew follow you.
The last and the most important thing ‘’ Be prepared for anything wrong’’. I have personally experienced it when i was making my short film i use to make a complete plan and fortunately i had a friend with me too who was just like my shadow in every step of project but still we always had something going wrong. Some times minor problems and sometimes major problems. So be prepared for any news, minor like......the batteries of your CAM are not charged, mini Dv are left at home (if using a Cam which requires it) or may be the major problems like the heroin of your movie is pregnant by the hero of your movie, or may be your best friend who was about to assist you is in the hospital

These are the few tips which can help you।


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