The blog is about Pakistani films Industry (Lollywood)and about indie film making going on around the world.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Indie Script writers of Pakistan and their Copyright issues.
Coming back towards the main issue, I decided to go on different forums and ask about the issue of copyright as it can be the most hurting thing for a writer if his written work (even if it is the worse thing on earth) is stolen. Well anyways the most cheap method I got to get my script safe was that to put the script in envelop and send it back to my address and never to open the seal until required. But the idea was refused by a guy who said that even if I do that there is a doubt that I can use old envelop and put my script in it. Well it can happen
Few friends via net suggested that I should try to get it registered with any local government body (like Ministry of Arts and Culture etc) of Pakistan but I am personally not interested in it and I have a solid reason for it. Just a couple of days back I read a news where a producer of regional films declared that he has bribed the new director of Censor Board only for viewing his films. The interesting thing is that in that movie there is nothing which can be marked as unethical according to the rules of Pakistan Censor Board. A producer who is in the business for so long, if he needs to bribe the censor board then how will censor board or any other government body will take care of my rights? They will be willing to even cut my pocket and take out something termed as “bribe”. The other option is to get registered with any foreign organization. Well that needs money and not only money it most often require dollars. Right now the currency rates are 86 PKR= 1 US dollar. So even if the fee is 25 us dollars it means i will have to submit some 2000 PKR.
I personally feel there should be some way to get our script registered free by any org or website for the time being and cut a fee if it is sold out.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Creating buzz of your movie.
1. Make a website and upload the gripping scenes of the movie.
2. Also add synopsis and the names and details of the cast (it will be very help full if the cast has some popular names)
3. Get a page on and try some other social networking sites.
4. Make a blog of the movie, get it linked with many widgets of different blog directories and keep it updated.
5. Try simple SEO techniques to bring your blog at the top at and other search engines.
I personally think these are the few things which can certainly create a buzz. Though there is no guarantee but still people will be aware about your movie and this is the most important part of selling your movie. You should aware people about your movie.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Financing your movie.
The most important problem which we filmmakers face while making films is getting finance. Specially being an Indie filmmaker makers, it becomes more hard to win people’s trust. Just before writing this topic I decided to talk to experts about my idea. Though my idea was rejected by the experts but I got a better idea from them. I think talking about my rejected idea over here will be a waste of time of my readers. So I am directly coming towards the idea mentioned by experts.
During the discussion they told me that it is better to start shooting after finalizing your script. Over here we are considering that at-least you will have something in your pocket. If this is not the case then I think shut of your PC and go at work to at-least earn some money (by the way I am trying the same thing these days…Lolz). Any ways coming back towards the topic. They told me that after finalizing the script I should start shooting my film. And my strategy should be to shoot the most exciting scenes of my film first to make it attractive towards financers. It is obvious that all the professional financers will have no time to read out your script. SO the best thing is to shoot a great trailer or short film and send it to selected financers. A “GURU” from said
“shoot either a strong scene from the movie, OR make a short film to showcase the writing and filmmaking ability. The first example of this that comes to mind is Sam Raimi, who made a short film "Within The Woods" as a way to attract investors to fund what he had in mind for a larger production -- what eventually became "The Evil Dead." The point is, though, that he put everything he had into making the short movie as GOOD as it could be. You're more likely to attract attention with 15 minutes of quality than two hours of mediocrity and promises.”(apology from the GURU for coping his words).
I personally liked the idea. I recently read one more real event just like this. George Lucas in his earlier career made 5 short films which have never been seen. Then he made a 15 minutes short film by the name “Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB”. The film got first prize and as a prize he got the chance to work with Francis Ford Coppola at WARNER BROTHERS. Soon they became close friends and decided to establish their own company where they made their first feature film which was actually George’s “Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB”. The small success help them to make another film “American Graffiti”. This success of this movie helped them to get more money to make even a bigger film “STAR WARS” and now every one know “George Lucas”.
If we see the success of George Lucas, the starting point was the short film which put him on the way of success. There is one more example and it is of the movie “SAW” which was a short film actualy. It was made by an Australian university student. Now personally I believe, to attract financers, the best option is to make a short film or a trailer with the most exciting and gripping scenes of the movie. Certainly I will try this option some day to make my first feature film.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bolly-Wood ruled by threat and fear.
And that ugliness is that the “Bigs” of Bolly wood are always under threat or fear by underworld or by SHIV SINA, the extremist party from Mumbai. Yes sound shocking Indians and extremists? Till now you have only heard about MUSLIMS being extremists. But if the hidden truth is revealed, it will really shock you. Even India has a big group of extremists. And interestingly these Extremists are one degree superior to the MUSLIM Extremists. SHIV SINA was founded by Bal Thackeray and who still is ruling the party.
The most recent issue was between King Khan and SHIV SINA when SHIV SINA declared that they will not allow King Khan’s Film to get premiered in MUMBAI. And the reason was not that KING KHAN was Muslim. The reason was that KING KHAN was not born in the province of MAHARASHTRA. Be-fore this “BIG B” had to apologize because of her wife JIA BACHAN. It was surprising that the most powerful person of Bolly wood had to apologize for something which was neither illegal nor uncivilized. But it was the fear of SHIV SINA that forced BIG B to apologize. SHIV SINA in past also had issues with SHILPA SHETTY for being kissed by Famous Holly Wood star Richard Gere. But SHILPA SHETTY stood firm and decided not to even say “A” of apology. The BAD BOY of Bolly Wood, Selman Khan was also a victim of SHIV SINA when a fake cassette of SELAMN- AISH was released where the fake Selman Khan threatened Aish that he has contacts with “under world”. Though the cassette was declared fake after testing but still SHIV SINA was not convinced. There is another famous controversy where a young talented actress DEVIA BHARTI was murdered by extremists. And the only crime she had done was that she got converted from Hindu to Muslim and got secretly married with an MUSLIM INDIAN producer. Though nobody dared to say it openly but people feel that her murder was directly or indirectly linked with SHIV SINA
There have been many more controversies linked with SHIV SINA and sadly people like BIG B had to apologize for doing nothing. These days SHIV SINA is trying to kick all those people out from MUMBAI which do not belong to the province of MAHARASHTRA . They believe that in MUMBAI only those people can live and work who were born in MUMBAI, or in any other city of MAHARASHTRA. The surprising fact is that even the Indian Government is unable to handle SHIV SINA in proper way.
On one side Bolly Wood is shaking hands with Holly Wood which is a great achievement. But on the other hand extremists like SHIV SINA are a bad and black spot on Bolly Wood.
I am sitting and waiting that will ever Bolly Wood get a chance to come out from the clouds of fear and threat of SHIV SINA?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lollywood outcalssed Bolly-Wood (2)
I have been able to get some news about Lolly-Wood master piece "Ramchand pakistani.". Accroding to the recent news which i got the movie "Ramchand Pakistani" has been released in more then 23 cities of Indie (which itself is a big achievement.). On the other side the Lolly-Wood flick was in competetion with 2 big budgeted movies of Bolly-Wood. The film was first in Dehli, Mumbai and Hayderabad where even Bolly-Wood mmebers were present. We can say the movie all over is a big success !
The blogger Adeel got Awarded !
I will like to say thanks to the managment of
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Pirated Bolly-Wood.
Coming to the real part there are plenty of films being copied by Holly-Wood these days. When the directors or producers are asked why they do so? They reply that the general public wants something different that’s why they copy Holly-Wood movies. Still this is not a valid reason. What about creativity? Doe that matter? Or not?
There is a big list of Movies copied or heavily influenced by Hollywood Movies. I am posting some names here of Bolly-Wood films and in the bracket the names of original films
Fight Club (Fight Club)
Akeyle hum Akeyle Tum (Karmer vs karmer)
Hey baby (Three Men and a Baby)
Road ( The Hitcher)
Black (The Miracle Worker)
Salam Namaste (Nine Months)
Hum Tum (When harry met sally)
Zinda (old boy)
Murder (unfaithful)
Though Bolly-Wood is making a big quantity of movies and they do good business too in the market. But at the end the question still arises what about creativity? Isn’t it important?
(There is a big list in my hands of copied movies, but i cant post all the names.)
Though Bolly-Wood is making a big quantity of movies and they do good business too in the market. But at the end the question still arises what about creativity? Isn’t it important?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lollywood outclassed Bollywood
I am looking for more details and i will defenately update this article with the details (if i get some info).