The blog is about Pakistani films Industry (Lollywood)and about indie film making going on around the world.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Indie Films have a big market
A must visit webpage for future indie filmmakers.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Battle of Survival ! Upcoming German Indie film 2
For more details you can visit the site
Battle of Survival ! Upcoming German Indie film
At-last the exciting trailer and beautiful scenes of the movie grabbed my attention and I decided to ask Matthias to give me his interview for my blog. I am posting that interview here in my blog and I will like to say thanks to Matthias for giving me this interview.

Hi Matthias first of all tell us something about yourself and your professional experience?
Well i never visited a film school or something similar. I´m a carpenter, and started my career in the film business building Sets and Props for television and some theaters. Then in the late 90´ i got the chance to be part of the European marketing for the Star Wars Prequels Episode I.-III. I had one of the biggest 1:1 scale Star Wars Props Exhibitions and wearable Costumes in Europe that time. That was a lot of fun. When the hype was over i sold my hole. Exhibition to a private Star Wars collector and used the money to build up our film company. We started our business shooting music-clips and commercials for some local company's and musicians. In this year i wrote a lot of scripts and we always tried to get some producers to join us and allow us to make a motion picture. But it failed always on the same reasons. None of them believed we could make a motion picture alone, making short movies, video clips and commercials are totally different from making a movie for the big screen. Basically they were afraid losing there money on us. So we thought the only way to show theme there wrong was to make and finish a movie alone. Sounds simple and that's what we did with Break. Now its up to them.
when did you start taking interest in filmmaking?
I think that was in the year 2000 when i started taking interest in filmmaking.
Before the film “BREAK” what was your experience as a filmmaker?
I started with a Star Wars Fan movie but never finished it. Then wedid some commercials and a lot of music videos. How the idea of film BREAK came in your mind? Well, i had to show some people that i can make a feature movie, so i came upwith the idea to make a Back wood slasher, because there really easy to shoot and i didn´t had enough money to shoot a world war 2 movie (Laughs). Who is the scriptwriter of the film “BREAK”? Me and only me. How many days it took for the script to get finish? I wrote the Main script in 5 days but it took 2 months to polish everything and make the dialogues smooth. Being an Independent filmmaker it is always hard to do financing of the film. How you got able to raise the finance? That is the hardest thing to do. I started with my own money and had the luck that a Producer (Bernd Reichert) thought i was dignified to get some money. So i could finish the movie without robbing a bank.
While filming your movie what were the major hurdles you faced?
The Weather... always the Weather but we had some Saints on our side. In what locations you film has been filmed? 90% of the film has been filmed in the Woods. We shoot everything here in Bavaria and Austria. 3 Sets were build and used in our studio. Then we shoot some opener shoots in Vancouver and Swiss.
What was the reason for filming in so many different countries?
Well i think because we wanted the movie to look international, and you can´t shoot an international looking movie in Bavarian woods... not without making fun of yourself.
For how many days did you shoot?
18 Days
What are the elements which make you feel that your movie is different from the movies being made these days?
I can´t tell that. I think the audience has to tell that There are so many talented independent filmmakers in this world, i don´t think I am the guy who is different.
To be continued....
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mumbai attacks. Sensational but weak plot
As attacks in Mumbai started Indian media started shouting that these terrorists are Muslims and were trained from Pakistan. Indian media also declared that these terrorists came from Pakistani boats and were living in India from last 1 month. Thanks to the western media which is always biased and against Muslims. Another story later on was declared that these terrorists had killed 2 coast guards and hijacked their ship for entrance in INDIA. Coming towards the loop holes of this filmy script I had few questions in mind.
1. If Pakistani terrorist entered India via sea where was the Indians navy. The route mentioned by Indian Media is a high security type zone where just 2 days back Indian Navy was active.
2. If terrorists were in Pakistani ships then as it is said that terrorists were in India from a month, then why Indian agency didn’t took notice of those ships. What they were waiting for.
3. If those ships were of Indian Coast guards and those cost guards were killed than why Indian agency didn’t searched for this missing guards. And if they searched they could easily know those guards were not present from the time of their visit in sea. SO what was their action for the whole month.
4. 10 men entered India with heavy ammunition and AK47 and no one even bothered to see that what are these big bags doing in high restricted areas.
5. So called Muslim terrorists have two things common in them no matter in which part of the world they are. Those two common things are they never cut their beard no matter what ever happens. Check out all those terrorists which have been arrested in the whole world. They all have big beards. Secondly in 90% cases they do not directly target ordinary people. I know readers will say that i am forgetting the event og 9.11. Well if we see the history of 9.11 the so called attack on US was certainly done by non Muslims. There are 100 of documentary films showing that even that incident was a planned story by some one else rather then Muslim extremists. The most common question raised by Muslims is that if 9.11 was done by USAMA or OSAMA then why 4000 jews were absent on a working day. So keeping these 2 facts in mind and viewing the pic of the guy in railway station who violently killed innocents from his firing has no beard. More over in close ups you can see he is wearing KALAAW. A special thing which Hindus wear while pooja. How an extreamist can wear any thing which is symbolicaly linked with HINDUS. India says that Mobile sim cards have been found from terrosists and those tell that calls were made in Karachi. Well simple we all know both the countries have their agents in each other’s country. So it isn’t a big issue calling to their respective partners in Karachi.
7. The incident took place when the elections are near and the same sort of incident took in GUJRAT when 1000s of innocent Muslims were killed and at the end Hindu extremists won the election. It has become a common practice to kill non Hindus and make vote bank strong. Just google and see the records. When ever HINDU extremist parties have done a propegenda against Muslims they have won elections. And when ever they didnt do propegenda they lost.
8. The only group which could be beneffitted by this act are Hindu Extreamist. The first one is thier Vote Bank is active again. Secondly they killed Col.Karakre who was investigating against Hindu Extreamists who were involved in the incident of Samjhota Express. Col. prouhit was the major Indian army officer arrested under this elegation and investigations were going on.Col pouhit was one of the major memebrs of Indian extremist who was responsible for the incident of Samjhota Express.
There are many loop holes which clearly says it is a plan of Hindu extremists to make their vote bank strong. If you are really interested to know few more facts which has been gathered by Ahmed Hassan you must visit the link
and must learn to make a story without any loop holes.
At the end I want to say that my views are as a simple Pakistani. I am not here to hurt any one and specially my Indian friends. We as human being seriously condemn on this incident. I only want to make it clear that the shining India also has a dark face which is hidden from the world and also from the Indians. DO remmebr that even India has extremists like BAAL THAKREY and MOODI who are so extremists that they are not even willing to accept hindus in MUMBAI and MAHARASHTRA. Some times facts which you see are not facts and what you cant see are the facts.
NOTE. Do see the link mentioned if you are really interested to know more about the silly story delivered by Indian Media..